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Laser Cataract Surgery
Dr. Frantz is the first surgeon in Florida to offer the VERION Image Guided System, which is part of the area’s only full Cataract Refractive Suite. The four industry-leading systems of the Cataract Refractive Suite allow for seamless and synergistic integration of the various surgical technologies. They work together to maximize Dr. Frantz’s skills as a surgeon and offer laser-guided precision, increased accuracy and improved safety for better visual outcomes.
The four systems of the Cataract Refractive Suite integrate the preoperative planning of a cataract procedure to guiding Dr. Frantz in the operating room during the key steps of the procedure. This allows for improvements in efficiency, accuracy and precision, all key factors in delivering the most accurate results for our patients with greater consistency. The combination of Dr. Frantz’s skill and experience, the most advanced technology, and a wide choice of intraocular lenses offers you unparalleled cataract surgery.
The four systems include:
Verion Image Guided System
The VERION Image Guided System tracks your eye from the planning stages of your surgery to your actual cataract procedure. Because patients have dilated pupils for cataract surgery, the image from the VERION allows the lens to be centered on the patient’s normal pupil, which is different than the center of the dilated pupil. The VERION captures a high-resolution image of the patient’s unique eye when the patient’s eye is un-dilated, then maps out iris and scleral details, as well as pupil size and centration. This “fingerprint of the eye” helps our surgeon to create an optimized surgical plan for the procedure to ensure accurate centering and positioning of the intraocular lens and laser incisions.
The LenSx Laser, which is the global leader in Bladeless Laser Cataract Surgery, operates with unmatched accuracy and computer control. Our team is able to customize the procedure to the patient’s eye. By adding computer control to key steps of cataract surgery, the LenSx Laser helps ensure the highest-precision surgical incisions. The VERION image is transferred to the LenSx laser for the most accurate centration and positioning of all the steps of cataract surgery.
LuxOR Ophthalmic Microscope
The LuxOR Ophthalmic Microscope allows our Physicians to see every facet of the procedure in crisp, brilliant detail. The VERION image is transferred to the operating microscope. A heads-up display shows the previously recognized iris and scleral details as well as centered pupil and map of astigmatism. This allows the most accurate placement of the lens and most precise surgery possible.
Vision System
The CENTURION Vision System utilizes an intraocular sensor and the most advanced fluidics system available. It is designed to work seamlessly with the other technologies to help maintain consistent intraocular pressure (IOP) throughout the surgical removal of the cataract. More stable IOP leads to safer surgery.
To learn more about cataract surgery and the new Cataract Refractive Suite, schedule an appointment online or call our main office at 239.418.0999.