2Perfect vision without the need for glasses and contacts would be just… well... perfect. Right? Unfortunately, the amazing laser vision of Superman only exists in comic books. Precious few people can see perfectly without some form of correction and most of us will experience at least one vision condition at some point during our lifetime. W H A T V I S I O N C H A L L E N G E S A R E C O R R E C T A B L E DID YOU KNOW The eye is the second most complex organ, right after the brain. The eye is incredibly complex. Even the slightest disruption in the lens, cornea, retina or iris can dramatically affect your vision. The good news is that many vision problems can be solved through a comprehensive eye exam followed by the appropriate vision correction product or procedure. To understand the different types of vision problems and refractive errors that can affect the human eye, it is helpful to have a basic understanding of optics and eye anatomy. The eye has often been compared to a camera and the cornea is often likened to a clear watch crystal that covers the front of the eye. The lens lies behind the iris (the colored part of the eye). 6