CONCERN #7 I am too old or too young to have LASIK. The truth is, there is really not an age limit for LASIK. However, most LASIK surgeons specify that patients must be at least 18 years old. Prior to that, your prescription may still be changing due to the normal growth and development that occurs during the teen years. If you will be attending college in the near future and want to have LASIK before starting school, schedule a consultation, so we can discuss whether vision correction is appropriate at this time. You can also take our 60-second quiz to determine if LASIK is right for you. LASIK can also be successfully performed on patients in their 50s, 60s or even 70s. However, these age groups are more likely to have other potentially vision-affecting disorders, like cataracts. Patients who are in their 50s, 60s and 70s and desire to be less dependent on glasses should also schedule a consultation to make sure they are good candidates. If cataracts are an issue, we may recommend cataract surgery with a Lifestyle Lens that allows for seamless vision at all distances without the need for contacts or glasses. CONCERN #8 LASIK is only for distance, and I need reading glasses. Some patients have the misunderstanding that by the time they reach 40, they are too old for LASIK. Others think that because they now need reading glasses, they do not qualify for LASIK. Neither situation is accurate. Loss of sharp, close-up vision is called presbyopia and is common as people age. Fortunately, there is now an effective solution – we can correct one eye for distance and the other eye for near vision. This technique is called monovision. For patients who don’t have difficulty with distance vision and have never worn glasses, it may be possible to correct just one eye for reading. The vast majority of patients tolerate monovision well. We will assess your tolerance of monovision during your preoperative evaluation. If you need reading glasses and also want LASIK, schedule a consultation to determine if monovision would be appropriate for you. 13