KAMRA INLAY The KAMRA inlay helps restore near vision and reduce the constant frustrations of reading glasses for people with presbyopia or blurry near vision. By providing a natural range of vision you can see — from near to far. It also offers long-term performance to help you continually enjoy clear vision even as presbyopia progresses. The KAMRA inlay sits in the first few layers of the eye (cornea). Smaller and thinner than a contact lens, the inlay is a mini-ring with a pinhole opening in the center. This pinhole allows only focused light to enter your eye. The KAMRA inlay is placed in only one of your eyes, allowing you to see up close, while maintaining your distance vision in both eyes. Working together, the eyes allow you to see near and far. This is not the same as monovision laser vision correction, which corrects one eye for near and one eye for distance and does not last over time. KAMRA INLAY 3.8 mm IN DIAMETER WEIGHS ABOUT THE SAME AS A GRAIN OF SALT 1.6 mm OPENING THE KAMRA PROCEDURE The entire procedure typically takes fewer than 20 minutes. You will be awake and alert the whole time. Your Frantz EyeCare doctor will ask you to lie on your back and focus on a light above your eye. Remaining still and focusing on this light will help you achieve the best possible results. Numbing drops will be placed in your eye to ensure you are comfortable throughout the procedure.