RETINA - Layer of fine sensory tissue that lines the inside wall of the eye, composed of light sensitive cells known as rods and cones. Acts like the film in a camera to capture images, transforms the images into electrical signals, and sends the signals to the brain by way of the optic nerve STROMA - Middle, thickest layer of tissue in the cornea TOPOGRAPHY - A tool used to see the refractive problems that might be present in the cornea. Corneal topography is used not only for screening all patients before refractive surgery like LASIK but also for fitting contacts. TORIC - Lens (eyeglasses, intraocular lens, or contact lens) that is the warped (astigmatic) opposite to that of the eye, thereby canceling out the error TUMESCENT - Swelling or slightly swollen. For example, tumescent liposuction involves pumping a solution beneath the skin, swelling it to facilitate suctioning out fat. VISION CARE - Term used to describe vision services when provided as part of insurance and other third-party payment programs that generally can be equated with refraction plus dispensing of glasses and contact lenses VISION SERVICES - Refractive and optical services delivered by ophthalmologists, optometrists, and opticians. These services include the supplying, dispensing, and fitting of glasses and contact lenses, if required, and, except for opticians, also include an examination of the eye for corrective lenses. VISUAL ACUITY - Clearness of vision; the ability to distinguish details and shapes, which depends upon the sharpness of the retinal image WAVEFRONT - Wavefront technology produces a detailed map of the eye. The information is transferred to the laser via computer software. 66