Traditional cataract surgery is covered by Medicare and most insurances. If you choose to have Bladeless Laser Cataract Surgery, it is considered a premium refractive procedure. We are happy to discuss out-of-pocket expenses and flexible payment options with you. The three key patient benefits of the Bladeless Laser Cataract Surgery versus traditional cataract surgery are: The laser provides a more precise circular incision around the cataract, improves the accuracy during placement of the intraocular lens implant, and leads to a greater likelihood of clearer vision. A real time computerized laser imaging system guides the laser beam to the correct target during the surgery. The laser pre-softens the cataract, minimizing the use of ultrasound energy to remove the cataract lens. Decreased usage of ultrasound energy lessens recovery time. Astigmatism correction can be done at the time of cataract surgery using this laser as opposed to a manual incision using a surgical blade with traditional surgery. Astigmatism requires patients to wear glasses after cataract surgery. Correcting this at the time of cataract surgery lessens the need for glasses postoperatively. InbothtraditionalcataractsurgeryandBladelessLaserCataractSurgery,microsurgical instruments are used to remove the cloudy lens from the eye. The back membrane of the lens (called the posterior capsule) is left in place. A focusing intraocular lens is placed inside the eye to replace the natural lens that was removed. The focusing lens can correct nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism, and may reduce your need for distance and reading glasses. The incision is self-sealing. 11 B L A D E L E S S L A S E R C A T A R A C T S U R G E R Y V E R S U S T R A D I T I O N A L C A T A R A C T S U R G E R Y 1 2 3 30